Solar energy is transforming the lives of Floridians, and it’s not hard to see why. In 2021, 70% of Florida’s renewable generation came from solar energy, and by 2022, our state was third in the nation for solar generation. Today, Florida ranks second only to California in rooftop solar installations. Solar Florida is more than a trend; it’s a movement towards energy independence, cost savings, and environmental stewardship. By harnessing solar energy, you can ensure energy independence during major storms, earn money through net metering by selling excess energy back to the utility company, and significantly reduce your carbon footprint. 

At Solar Energy Solutions of America, we take pride in being a top-tier Florida solar panel installer. With over five years of experience, we have built a reputation for efficient, reliable, and cost-effective solar photovoltaic (PV) system installations. Our professional team ensures precise installation to maximize sunlight exposure, providing customized solutions tailored to your specific needs.



From significantly reducing electricity bills and participating in net metering to enhancing property values and seizing lucrative federal and state incentives, solar energy represents a smart, sustainable investment for Florida residents. Not only does it promise a cleaner, more renewable energy source, but it also ensures low maintenance and durability for years to come. Dive into the compelling advantages of integrating photovoltaic solar into your Florida home.

Reduced Electricity Bills

By installing photovoltaic solar panels, you can produce your own electricity, reducing your reliance on the traditional grid. This translates to lower electricity bills, potentially saving you hundreds or even thousands of dollars annually. Over time, these savings can accumulate significantly, making a noticeable difference in your household expenses.

Net Metering

Through net metering programs, you can sell surplus solar energy back to the grid. This not only helps you save money on your own bills but also contributes to the overall renewable energy supply in your area.

Increased Property Value

Studies consistently show that homes equipped with solar panels tend to have higher resale values. Investing in solar panels isn’t just about immediate savings; it’s also an investment in your property’s long-term value. Potential buyers are increasingly attracted to homes with solar panels due to the associated cost savings and environmental benefits.

Federal and State Incentives

In 2024, take advantage of the 30% Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit to significantly lower the upfront cost of installing solar panels. Additionally, benefit from various Florida state-specific incentives such as sales tax exemptions and property tax breaks, making solar energy more accessible to homeowners and encouraging its adoption on a larger scale.

Clean and Renewable Energy

Solar energy generation produces no greenhouse gas emissions or other pollutants, unlike fossil fuels. By switching to solar power, homeowners can significantly improve air quality, reduce water contamination, and lower their carbon footprint, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Low Maintenance

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels require minimal maintenance, typically only needing occasional cleaning to ensure optimal performance. This means you can enjoy the benefits of solar energy without the hassle of regular upkeep.


Our UMA Solar’s SunValue panels are designed to maximize performance and bring comfort. Advances in solar technology have made these systems more efficient and reliable than ever before. Check out customer testimonials to see how our panels have made a difference.


Given how many solar installations there are throughout the country, you may already be able to envision what a good fit for solar looks like. There’s not a one-size-fits-all approach when installing solar panels and switching to a more eco-friendly energy source. Several factors are worth considering to help determine if your home or business is a good candidate for solar:

  • How much do you pay for electricity? Many factors go into how much you can save with solar, but none are as impactful as what you presently spend on electricity. Whether your utility rates are high or low, you can save with solar. Of course, the more electricity you use and pay for it, the more you can save by going solar!
  • What kind of residence do you live in, and do you own it? The additional most significant factor in determining whether you are a good fit for solar is the type of home and whether you own or rent your house. It’s much more complicated to install solar panels on your residence if you don’t own the structure. For that exact reason, if you live in a multi-family property, whether renting or owning an apartment or in a condo building, it may be challenging to take advantage of on-site solar. 
  • Take advantage of solar incentives? Currently, the best financial incentive for going solar is the Solar Federal Investment Tax Credit or ITC. Notably: the ITC, which returns more than 20 percent of the total you spend for your solar directly to your pocket as a tax credit, is solely available to individuals with enough tax liability. It is advised to speak with an accountant to confirm your eligibility.
  • Is your roof suitable for solar? A few key aspects influence whether your roof is ideal for solar: age, material, space, shading, tilt, and orientation:
  1. How old is your roof? Photovoltaic solar systems can last for three decades, so if your roof is close to the end of its lifetime, it’s certainly worth considering replacing it before installing solar. If your roof is currently in good condition, excellent!
  2. What material is your roof made of? You can install photovoltaic solar panels on nearly any roof material, but some materials are certainly easier to install on than others.
  3. How big is your roof? Some roofs are better for solar than others. Larger wide-open roofs with significant square footage and free of larger obstacles are best for fitting solar panels. Still, even if you have a uniquely shaped roof with limited space, dormers, and many obstructions, you might be able to install fewer high-efficiency panels to produce as much power as you can with the area you do have available.
  4. Does your roof experience lots of shading? No matter the size of your roof, if you have a ton of unavoidable shade on your roof all day, unfortunately, you’re not a good fit for solar. If your home is shaded with trees for most of the day, trimming or removing trees to install solar panels and get the best energy production can be worth it. 
  5. What is the angle of your roof? Roofs with an angle of 30 to 45 degrees are optimal for most solar panel systems. Thankfully, that’s the typical angle of most standard roofs in the US! Solar panels that are installed on a remarkably steep roof usually produce less electricity and are more challenging to install, while installing solar panels on a flat roof generally requires more area and makes more sense for more significant installations (e.g., on top of factories). 
  6. What direction does your roof face? The orientation of your roof impacts how much electricity your solar panel system will produce. Ideally, it is best for solar panels to face south to acquire the most exposure to sunlight (in the Northern hemisphere, that is). However, although south-facing is superior, it’s certainly not a condition for going solar: panels facing east and west usually acquire more than enough sunshine to make solar an advantageous investment.


Photovoltaic solar can be a smart investment in Florida, especially considering the abundant sunshine and available incentives. The cost of installing solar panels in Florida can vary depending on factors such as the size of the system, the quality of the panels, and the complexity of the installation. 

Florida offers various incentives and rebates to encourage solar adoption, including the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC), which provides a tax credit of up to 30% of the cost of the solar installation. The average cost is $2.58 per watt before incentives (2024 data), with typical system sizes ranging from 5-10 KW, costing $12,900 – $25,800 before incentives. After the 30% federal tax credit, the total cost ranges from $7,140 – $18,060.

At Solar Energy Solutions of America, we make photovoltaic solar more accessible and affordable for residential and commercial buildings in Florida. We offer a 12-year manufacturer warranty on solar panels, collectors, and other components, along with a 3-year warranty on installation, including labor and materials. This ensures long-term protection and peace of mind. For free estimates and proficient solar solutions contact us today and take a step towards a more sustainable future with solar energy.