What Are Solar Panels And How Do They Work?
Have you ever wondered what the solar panels you use on decks and rooftops are for and how exactly do they work to supply energy? If so, read on to learn more about solar panels and why they are such a popular source of renewable energy.
Solar Panels
As the name suggests, solar panels make use of the sun to generate power. In short, solar panels work by converting light from the sun into useful electricity that can be directly used to power any electrical loads.
In comparison with other sources of renewable energy, solar energy is readily available for consumers to use and purchase. As such, homeowners are free to make individual contributions to the environment instead of being controlled by government entities. Applications of solar energy include remote power systems for telecommunications equipment, cabins, remote sensing, as well as producing electricity for commercial and residential solar electric systems.
How Solar Power Works
Light from the sun is composed of various small particles of energy known as photons. Solar panels then convert these photons into clean renewable energy for powering electrical loads. To understand how this conversion is possible, we first have to understand how solar panels are built.
Solar panels are composed of individual solar cells, and each solar cell is made up of several layers of silicon, phosphorus (negative charge), as well as boron (positive charge). When photons are absorbed by solar panels, they strike the surface of solar panels, initiating an electric current that allows electrons to be pushed out of their atomic orbit. These electrons are released into an electric field, where they are pulled into a directional current. As a result, energy is produced. This entire process is named the Photovoltaic effect.
Due to the amount of roof space an average home in America has, a sufficient number of solar panels can be installed to consistently and reliably produce solar electricity for supplying the building’s power needs. In addition, excess electricity that is generated will go into the main power grid, which pays off for electricity use during nighttime when there is no sun.
Solar Panel Configuration
When configured in a well-balanced grid, solar arrays should also generate power in the day when is then used later during nighttime. By using net metering programs, solar generator owners can even get paid should their system produce more power than required in their homes. Off-grid solar applications also allow the direct current (DC) electricity generated to be converted into alternating current (AC) electricity, used for non-DC appliances in commercial buildings or homes.
If you have been looking to install solar panels for your home or business, then Solar Energy Solutions of America (SES) might just be what you are looking for. With SES, you can be assured that you are getting one of the most complete and reliable solar energy installation packages, complete with maintenance services at the most competitive rates. Hear directly from homeowners on how our services have benefitted them today.